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ChemDes screen shots ChemDes screen shots ChemDes screen shots

ChemDes screen shots ChemDes screen shots

Chemdesigner chemical drawing/display area. Contains custom symbols,a range of pre-drawn chemical compounds can be inserted and moved on the screen. Graphic items, lines, circles can be drawn. Text inserted on the screen. Easy to use. Simply insert images from the pre-drawn images or insert different images, create text, graphic items, Items can be deleted and drawings can be saved and edited. Using the properties menu various combinations of lines, fonts can be used.


Tool bar options left to right :-

New File : Clears the current drawn items, clears the screen.

Open File : Allows a previously saved file to be opened and displayed.

Save File : Allows the currently drawn item to be displayed.

Edit Tools : Provides tools to delete drawn items from the screen.

Select Tool : Use this option to draw a box around items that are required to be deleted. After drawing the box, click the delete menu option to remove those items from the screen.

Clear Screen : Clears the screen.

Delete : Will delete items that have been selected via the select tool.

Add Item :

Allows items to displayed on the screen. Can be repdefined items, user defined items, text and graphic items.

Structures, Compounds, Symbols :

Mouse Hover over these menu items for a few seconds and a further menu items will appear which are clickable and will then isert the selected drawing item. The item is adjustable via mouse click and then mouse drag the corners of the item. Each menu of these menu items function the same pattern.


Image : This menu option allows user defined images to be inserted on the screen. The inserted item will then become a menu item. Mouse Hover over the Image menu option to display the user defined images. Note : the image is stored as a path location only.

Click on the Add Image to add a user defined image.

Text :

Allows the insertion of Text on the screen. Click the "Add Text" option to insert a text box. Mouse click into the text and type the required text to be displayed. Mouse and resize the text as required. Use the Font option to specific the required Font etc. Note : Change the Font as required before adding any text.

Draw :

Allows various graphic shapes to be drawn on the screen. Select an item and then use the mouse and mouse click to draw and position the item onto the screen. (mouse click to start the operation and a mouse click to end the operation). Use the Colour option to slect the correct colour to draw the graphic in before drawing the item.

Line Style :

Select the required line pattern, style ect before drawing the graphic item.
